creative asset library

Luna Lifestyle

A gorgeous, versatile image library, created from scratch

Concepting | Creative direction | Lifestyle photography | Product photography


Project backstory

Luna came to us wanting to create an image library they could use for the coming two years to create social posts and marketing materials that would solidify their brand’s style and unify its aesthetic across touch points.

They had a broad idea of where they wanted to take the brand visually in the coming years–which was a departure from the style they’d developed until that point–and a rough idea of the deliverables they thought they’d need to craft the transition.

Our task became turning their broad strokes into something concrete, and designing a path forward, which included concepting various lifestyle and product scenes, and executing the creation of images that would become part of their brand library.


Deliverables in detail

We knew our lifestyle and product photos would help Luna solidify their brand's look and feel, but social media is a hungry beast in terms of content, so we knew we'd need a way to give them even more flexibility in terms of crafting their marketing assets.

This is where iso flatlay images came into play. These are photos of individual items–products, ingredients, and props–placed on a neutral grey background. These building blocks allowed Luna's creative team to cook up anything they could imagine, and would extend the life of the materials we captured indefinitely.

For businesses with an existing design team, these are a great way to maintain a consistent look quickly and easily.


The results

We set out to ease the pain of Luna’s brand team by creating a full-featured asset library that reflected their aesthetics and core values.

Over the course of the shoot, we captured lifestyle and product imagery of the highest quality, while making sure our ideas were in line with Luna’s vision by bringing them along step-by-step throughout the production.

The result is an image library infused with Luna’s signature style, and versatile enough to be used for the next two years and beyond.

Creative team

mackenzie mathis

kate chuang

ashley andrews

susie brockley

david weber

dan juenemann

deb leal

maren caruso

sarah guido

alicia deal

katie sugarman

josie rodriguez

Take the first step toward giving your brand the look it deserves

Let's get started